FireBox Releases

Stable releases of FireBox
Released on 11/07/2024 12:52
  • WordPress 6.6 Compatibility.
  • Updated the Geolocation notice to show only if a MaxMind license key is set and Geolocation conditions are used in campaigns.
  • Improved GDPR compliance by loading all 3rd-party assets locally.
  • Fixed Javascript errors that may appear when editing a post/page and not allowing you to embed FireBox blocks.
  • Fixed Buttons block doesn't have correct padding when used outside the FireBox editor.
Released on 27/06/2024 11:42
  • Updated minimum required WordPress version to 5.5.0.
  • Fixed: Cannot display popup using Pages Condition on the WooCommerce main shop page.
  • Fixed: Background Overlay Blur may not work on mobile devices.
  • Fixed: Some campaign settings may use translated text in places it shouldn't.
  • Removed: scripts.
Released on 20/06/2024 11:59
  • Added: Pro version now supports sending unlimited email notifications in the Form block.
  • Added: Improved accessibility, you can now trap focus within the popup.
  • Added: Improved accessibility, focus is now returned to the last focusable element after closing a popup.
  • Added: Improved accessibility, you can now close a popup by pressing the ESC key.
  • Added: Missing Read Campaigns List (read_fireboxes) capability to administrators.
  • Improved: The Code Editor areas now display prefix/suffix code, indicating that you don't need to type opening/closing tags for custom codes.
  • Improved: Unified the design of notices across all FireBox admin pages for a consistent user experience.
  • Improved: New lines are not preserved in the Email action.
  • Fixed: The default submission state value in the Form block was not updating correctly.
Released on 30/05/2024 16:09
  • Added useful notices related to plugin status
Released on 23/05/2024 12:09
  • Added: Font Weight option for Form Field Labels.
  • Added: Padding option for Checkbox/Radio Choice Images on Image Mode.
  • Improvement: Increased spacing between Checkbox/Radio choices and field label.
  • Improvement: Increases width of "COPIED" label on Buttons with Action set to "Copy to Clipboard".
  • Changed: Page Slide mode no longer auto scrolls to the top of the page.
  • Changed: The main label of the Radio/Checkbox form field shouldn't be clickable.
Released on 02/05/2024 11:33
  • Fix: Quotes in campaign name prevents the campaign from appearing properly.
  • Fix: Open/Close animation may not appear properly.
Released on 25/04/2024 10:12
  • Improvement: Brevo action now displays all lists.
  • Improvement: Remove confusing note when enabling Behavior > Opening Behavior > Show Frequency.
Released on 12/04/2024 23:24
  • Fix: Form wouldn't submit when Textarea field is used.
  • Fix: Improved submission editing: Values for new fields added after the initial submission can now be saved successfully.
Version 2.1.9
Released on 05/04/2024 13:12
  • Implements the Radio button field for the FireBox Form block.
  • Implements the Checkboxes field for the FireBox Form block.
  • Added helpful links when editing a campaign on the right-hand sidebar under the "FireBox Campaign" tab.
  • The Dropdown field in Form block wouldn't respect the placeholder text.
  • PHP Scripts > Form Success event executes once the first FireBox - Form block present in the campaign is successfully submitted.
  • Improvements on the admin notice message.
  • Improvement: When duplicating form blocks, the Field Name will always have a unique value.
  • Improvement: Remove capabilities from all users when FireBox is deleted and all data should be removed.
  • Improvement: On form submit, automatically scroll to the success/error message.
  • Improvement: Submissions page form list now returns the forms in alphabetical order.
Version 2.1.8
Released on 07/03/2024 15:09
  • WordPress 6.5 compatibility.
  • Added: Cookie, POST, and Query String in the Smart Tags list.
  • Improvement: Ensure campaigns do not appear in search results.
  • Fix: Video block error when embedded into post/page.
  • Fix: Countdown block error when embedded into post/page.
  • Fix: Map block styling improvements on editor.
  • Fix: External Link Click may trigger when going to subdomain.
  • Fix: Template Library may not appear due to CSS conflicts.
  • Fix: Toggle field CSS improvements.
  • Removed: Average Time Open metric from Dashboard, Campaigns, and Analytics pages.
Version 2.1.7
Released on 15/02/2024 13:35
  • Adds PHP Scripts, allowing you to execute PHP code in various events.
  • Adds {fpf cookie.KEY} Smart Tag.
  • Adds {fpf post.KEY} Smart Tag that returns a $_POST value based on a key.
  • Adds {fpf}, {fpf}, {fpf geo.countrycode}, {fpf geo.region}, and {fpf geo.location} Smart Tags that return the user location details.
  • Fix: Searchable dropdowns wouldn't return correct results when searching.
  • Fix: Button wouldn't trigger the campaign when the old FireBox Settings were used, in some cases.
  • Fix: Typos in translations.
  • Fix: On Click > Open/Close Campaigns list may not display valid popups.
  • Fix: Opening Sound wouldn't play in editor.
  • Improvement: Increases how many Brevo lists appear in the List field.
  • Improvement: Renames On Click > Open Another Campaign to Open Campaign.
  • Improvement: In Analytics > Performance chart, make "Views" filter appear after Conversion Rate.
  • Improvement: In Analytics charts, remember the selected filters.
  • Improvement: Adds a "fb-form-success" CSS Class to the popup instance when a form is submitted.
  • Improvement: PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
Version 2.1.6
Released on 01/02/2024 07:41
  • Fix: When a submission is deleted, also delete its corresponding conversions from analytics.
  • Improves: Event Chart tooltip label.
Version 2.1.5
Released on 27/01/2024 09:51
  • Display Conditions wouldn't trigger.
Version 2.1.4
Released on 26/01/2024 09:53
  • New: Track conversions when user clicks on the FireBox Buttons & Image blocks, Core Buttons & Image blocks.
  • New: Adds On Click actions for buttons and images blocks, allowing you to trigger campaigns, copy text to clipboard, and download a file.
  • New: Countdown Gutenberg block allowing you to create advanced countdown timers.
  • New: Video Gutenberg block allowing you to embed YouTube or Vimeo videos.
  • New: Map Gutenberg block allowing you to embed OpenStreetMap maps with unlimited map markers.
  • Improvement: You can now set your campaigns analytics data to not expire after a specific timeframe.
  • Improvement: Rendering of the campaign content in certain circumstances.
  • Improvement: Headings are now styled by default by the active theme.
  • Improvement: When a form is submitted but has errors, focus on the first form field.
  • Improvement: Don't track analytics data (views, conversions) when previewing a draft campaign.
  • Change: Last 7 Days and Last 30 Days now contain the current day.
  • Change: Campaigns page table now shows columns Status, Title, Views, Conversions, Conversion Rate, and Average Time Open.
  • Change: Campaigns page table now allows sorting on columns Status, Title, Views, Conversions, Conversion Rate, and Average Time Open.
  • Change: Change "Reset Impressions" in bulk actions to "Reset Views".
  • Fix: Welcome Email wasn't being sent when double opt in wasn't enabled.
  • Fix: Day of the week dimension should always appear except when viewing period is for a single day.
  • Fix: FireBox Form button may not display the loading spinner when the form is submitted under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: Cannot apply block settings to duplicated FireBox blocks.
Version 2.1.3
Released on 11/12/2023 09:52
  • Fix: Email notification message may not respect new lines under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: FireBox - Submitted Form Condition may display unrelated forms in settings.
Version 2.1.2
Released on 07/12/2023 10:13
  • Adds "Balance" option on Heading & Paragraph blocks > Typograph > White Space setting.
  • Updates the close button icon.
  • Fix: Divider block set to 100% width wouldn't appear when Design > Align Content was set to Middle Center.
  • Fix: Couldn't reset Icon block colors.
  • Fix: Improves Google Analytics Tracking.
  • Fix: Floating Button does not trigger the popup immediately.
Version 2.1.1
Released on 09/11/2023 11:11
  • WordPress 6.4 compatibility.
  • New: Black Friday Popup Templates.
  • New: Adds "Day of the week" dimension on the Analytics page.
  • Improvement: Adds metric label on Devices and Events dimensions.
  • Improvement: Renames dimension "Popular View Times" to "View Hours".
  • Improvement: Hovering over an hour on the View Hours dimension will now trigger the tooltip for the current hour.
  • Improvement: Automates the Google Analytics integration.
  • Renames the SendInBlue integration to Brevo (formerly SendInBlue).
  • Update: Updates Analytics > Maximum Storage Period to fixed periods.
  • Fix: Conversion Rate may appear as 0 when value is low in some cases.
  • Fix: Adds missing suffix on Conversion Rate metric.
  • Fix: Some blocks couldn't be edited or the editor wouldn't load due to core removing the lodash library.
Version 2.1.0
Released on 26/10/2023 13:01
  • New: Backend pages design, with dark mode.
  • New: Dashboard design.
  • New: Analytics design.
  • New: Halloween Popup Templates.
  • New: Black Friday Popup Templates.
  • Fix: Cannot redeclare firebox_fail_php_version.
  • Fix: Removed the "View" link from the list page (We can only preview a draft campaign).
  • Fix: Removed the "View FireBox Campaign" button from the editing page (We can only preview a draft campaign).
  • Fix: Very tall popup with margin bottom exceeds the parent boundaries.
Released on 05/10/2023 11:29
  • Fix: External Link Click trigger would not show the campaign when Trigger Element was set.
  • Fix: External Link Click trigger should not take into consideration the delay.
  • Fix: Campaign wouldn't appear when the Form block was used without a Buttons block.
Released on 21/09/2023 10:30
  • Fix: WooCommerce Products in Cart "less than" and "less than or equal to" wouldn't work as expected.
Released on 10/08/2023 13:08
  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility.
  • Fix: When both a page slide and classic campaign are visible on the same page, the classic campaign wont be visible.
  • Fix: PHP Condition would add slashes between quotes.
Released on 28/07/2023 16:22
  • Added 3 brand new WooCommerce based Free Shipping Bar Popup Templates.
  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility.
  • Fix: PHP Condition wouldn't execute the code under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: Time On Site condition wouldn't count time correctly in some cases.
  • Improvement: Updates conditions Time On Site, Total Spend, Current Product Stock, Amount in Cart to use the "less" and "more" terms.
Released on 21/07/2023 14:26
  • Implements the Dropdown field for the FireBox Form block.
  • FireBox now requires minimum PHP 7.0.
  • Fix: Ensure the Posts and Pages Conditions will only work when viewing a single post/page.
  • Fix: Multiple Display Conditions of the same type wouldn't appear in the list.
Released on 06/07/2023 15:57
  • Implements the Hidden field for the FireBox Form block.
  • Improvement: You can now drag and drop blocks into FireBox Container, and Row blocks.
  • PHP 8.1 improvements.
  • Fixes upgrading the Pro version not working as expected via Dashboard > Updates.
Released on 30/06/2023 16:55
  • Fix: Display Conditions would be deleted when saving a campaign, under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: Searching in the "FireBox - Submitted Form" and "FireBox - Viewed Another Campaign" conditions would not return results.
  • Improvement: Cache is now cleared for a widely range of 3rd-party caching plugins upon saving a campaign.
  • Improvement: When a campaign is deleted, also delete all submissions and submisions meta data.
  • [AcyMailing] When subscribing a user, set Source to "FireBox - #[ID] - [CAMPAIGN_NAME]".
  • Improvement: FireBox Form block labels are now clickable and focus on their input field.
  • Improvement: FireBox Form block now accepts FireBox Row and Core Group/Stack/Row blocks and you can embed FireBox form fields to them.
Released on 16/06/2023 19:34
  • Added 6 brand new Fullscreen Popup Templates.
  • When using the Form block, it should not validate the form upon typing text into the form fields.
  • We have renamed the "Popups" term to "Campaigns".
  • Changed: Allows the {fpf date} Smart Tag format to accept a --format=d/m/Y filter to customize the returned date.
  • Fix: {fpf page.title} Smart Tag wouldn't return the correct page title.
  • Fix: Smart Tags modal wouldn't display correctly the syntax and descriptions on some Smart Tags.
Released on 02/06/2023 10:03
  • Added 10 brand new Personalized WooCommerce Popup Templates.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf woo.cart.count --min="XX"} that returns the number items in the WooCommerce cart.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf --min="XX"} that returns the WooCommerce cart total.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf woo.cart.subtotal --min="XX"} that returns the WooCommerce cart subtotal.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf woo.stock --product="XX"} that returns a WooCommerce product stock based on a product ID.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf edd.cart.count --min="XX"} that returns the number items in the Easy Digital Downloads cart.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf --min="XX"} that returns the Easy Digital Downloads cart total.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf edd.cart.subtotal --min="XX"} that returns the Easy Digital Downloads cart subtotal.
  • Added Smart Tag {fpf edd.stock --product="XX"} that returns a Easy Digital Downloads product stock (Purchase Limit) based on a product ID.
  • Added "FireBox" block settings to the FireBox Image block which allows to trigger popups when clicking the image.
Released on 20/05/2023 16:59
  • Fix: The Click trigger wouldn't work in some circumstances.
Released on 20/05/2023 09:15
  • Added the Homepage Display Condition so you can now easier display your popups on your homepage.
  • Added 6 new Display Conditions for both Easy Digital Downloads & WooCommerce: Purchased Product, Last Purchased Date, Current Product Price, Current Product Stock, Total Spend, and Category.
  • Renamed Conditions Cart Contains Products, Cart Contains X Products, Cart Value, Product, Category to Products in Cart, Cart Items Count, Amount In Cart, Current Product, Current Product Category for both Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce for more clarity.
  • Popup may be delayed to show up if triggered by a floating button.
  • The Click trigger fails when HTML elements are added dynamically on the DOM.
  • Analytics > Date Range custom date pickers should only appear when the "Custom" option is selected.
  • Improved performance when viewing popup analytics.
Version 2.0.9
Released on 28/04/2023 10:04
  • Fixes php error that could occur under certain circumstances when Display Conditions are set.
Version 2.0.8
Released on 22/04/2023 07:48
  • Added 5 Display Conditions for Easy Digital Downloads (Cart Contains Products, Cart Contains X Products, Cart Value, Product, Category).
  • Fix: Popups may cause a "502 Bad Gateway" error on PHP 8.1.10+.
  • PHP 8.0 & 8.1 deprecation notices fixes.
Version 2.0.7
Released on 14/04/2023 08:20
  • Added 10 brand new Easter Popup Templates.
  • Added 5 Display Conditions for WooCommerce (Cart Contains Products, Cart Contains X Products, Cart Value, Product, Category).
  • Updates labels on the Popup Template Info modal.
  • Improves filtering on popup library.
  • Fix: Floating Button trigger label would not appear correctly in the popups list page.
  • Fix: PHP error "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" makin Display Conditions on page load not to appear under certain circumstances.
Version 2.0.6
Released on 01/04/2023 10:17
  • Implements the Floating Button trigger.
  • Improves the design of each item in the Popup Library.
Version 2.0.5
Released on 25/03/2023 10:07
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
  • Updates Template Library filters to include events (group of templates).
  • Fix: PHP error that would be thrown when saving a popup and conditions were empty.
  • Fix: Ensure popup import will not proceed when no valid popups are found in the exported file.
  • Fix: Improve fboxNavigationMenu shortcode parsing.
  • Fix: PHP error when viewing "Last 7 days" in Analytics.
Version 2.0.4
Released on 10/03/2023 16:51
  • Adds support for SendInBlue Double Opt-in
  • Fix: PHP error that would be thrown when searching in a Search Dropdown field within Display Conditions.
  • Fix: Ensure FireBox Settings under supported blocks apply correct value when "Prevent Default Action" is not checked.
  • Improves how the popup template title appears when viewing it via the info popup modal.
Version 2.0.3
Released on 23/02/2023 11:59
  • Added 5 brand new International Women's Day Popup Templates.
  • Fix: AdBlock Detector would not work under certain circumstances.
Version 2.0.2
Released on 10/02/2023 15:33
  • Implements the New/Returning Visitor Condition.
  • Fixes a Javascript error preventing the tooltips to appear when hovering over the Analytics Overview Pie Chart.
Version 2.0.1
Released on 02/02/2023 16:27
  • Added 11 brand new Valentine's Day Popup Templates.
  • Fix: PHP deprecation warnings causing Display Conditions on PHP 8 servers to not load correctly.
Version 2.0.0
Released on 27/01/2023 15:51
  • Introduces the new Display Conditions. Conditions are now categorized for easier navigation.
  • Implements the Day of Week and Month Conditions.
  • Implements the City & Region Geolocation Conditions.
  • Renames the User ID to User Condition.
  • Updated: Date/Time Calendar library (flatpickr) to version 4.6.13.
Released on 20/01/2023 12:50
  • Added 10 brand new Valentine's Day Popup Templates.
  • Fix: PHP error that would appear in some cases when both FireBox & FireBlocks were installed.
Released on 12/01/2023 11:40
  • Change: Reverts the "Adds dates to x-axis in the Overview charts".
  • Fix: "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone".
Released on 30/12/2022 09:28
  • Added 8 brand new New Year Sale Popup Templates.
Released on 23/12/2022 09:50
  • Added 8 brand new Christmas Popup Templates.
  • Change: Added dates to x-axis on Analytics Overview items that display a time-related chart.
Version 1.2.9
Released on 15/12/2022 00:26
  • Added 10 brand new Video Popup Templates.
  • Change: Updated ChartJS to version 4.0.1.
  • Fix: Improved sanitization/validation/escaping of variables.
  • Fix: Textarea block height would not save.
  • Fix: Specific blocks added in the Form block would not display the "Form Field Width" setting under certain circumstances.
Version 1.2.8
Released on 02/12/2022 13:20
  • Added: 10 brand new Giveaway Popup Templates.
  • Fix: Fixes an issue where the Date/Time pickers would not appear due to a CSS Conflict with air-datepicker JS library.
  • Fix: If the popup height is in auto and the image placement is outside the popup container, ensure it is not hidden.
Version 1.2.7
Released on 17/11/2022 13:00
  • Added: Textarea field in the Form block. You can now include a textarea field in your forms to let your visitors provide you with more detailed answers.
  • Fix: Improves form fields validation process.
Version 1.2.6
Released on 04/11/2022 15:05
  • Added: 14 brand new Black Friday Popup Templates.
  • Fix: Make form block assets load only when the form exists in a page.
  • Fix: When previewing a popup, it should use the "Page Load" trigger.
  • Fix: Remove "Trigger Element" when "External Link Click" trigger is selected.
Version 1.2.5
Released on 27/10/2022 17:02
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.1
  • Added: Zapier integration. You can now sync your form submissions with 5,000+ applications such as Google Sheets, Gmail, Slack and more!
  • Change: Template Previewer Popup now has a gap between the browser and the previewer popup in order not to confuse users and for more context.
  • Change: Adds the Form ID & CSS Selector of the form in the Form block sidebar panel.
  • Fix: Issue where the Image block wouldn't appear in full width when initially added to a post/page.
  • Fix: Fixes an issue with the image block where the alignment would't work under certain circumstances.
Version 1.2.4
Released on 22/10/2022 10:49
  • Added: 10 brand new Halloween Popup Templates.
  • Added: 10 brand new Offer Coupons and Other Incentives Popup Templates.
  • Added: New Analytics metric: Submissions for the FireBox Form Gutenberg block.
  • Added: New Analytics metric: Conversion Rate for the FireBox Form Gutenberg block (for new submissions only).
  • Added: New Analytics Overview charts: Submissions and Conversion Rate.
  • Fix: Plugin may not update under certain circumstances.
Version 1.2.3
Released on 10/10/2022 11:09
  • Adds City Publishing Rule
Version 1.2.2
Released on 30/09/2022 18:33
  • Added: Form block: AcyMailing Integration to sync your submissions with the AcyMailing plugin.
  • Fix: CSS styling targeting the Group & IFrame blocks should only be applied within the popup.
  • Fix: Slider field would not accept decimals in Classic Editor.
  • Fix: Analytics would not record impression correctly depending on referrer/page URL.
  • Change: Renamed "Add Popup" to "Add Button" in Classic Editor > Add FireBox button.
  • Change: Improved the FireBox blocks loading performance.
  • Change: Form block: should not validate the form when clicking in form's input fields.
Version 1.2.1
Released on 23/09/2022 19:13
  • Added: 4 brand new External Link Notice Popup Templates.
  • Added: MailChimp Tags when subscribing a user to Mailchimp. You can either replace all or add new tags.
  • Added: MailChimp Interests Groups when subscribing a user to Mailchimp. You can either replace all or add new tags.
  • Added: "BACK" label next to the back button on the left side of the Popup Library Previewer.
  • Added: An expression that can be used in the popup builder to retrieve information about the element that triggered the popup. Example: {fbExpr this.triggerElement.getAttribute("paramName")}
  • Fix: Form block does not appear correctly when previewing a popup containing a form.
  • Fix: Form block: Mailchimp would throw a PHP error when non Mailchimp-related API Key format was given.
  • Fix: Gutenberg editor deprecation notices.
  • Fix: Form block: Asterisk for required fields would not show/hide correctly.
  • Change: Renamed "Response" section in Form block to "Success Message" for more clarity.
Version 1.2.0
Released on 17/09/2022 18:22
  • Added: Form block that allows you to create converting forms, such as newsletter forms and capture leads.
  • Added: 22 brand new Newsletter Form Templates.
  • Fix: Modal close button would not have the correct color in Analytics page.
  • Fix: Error appearing when multiple FirePlugins plugins are activated at once.
Released on 09/09/2022 11:37
  • Change: Video and audio embeds are now automatically paused after closing the popup.
  • Change: FireBox now stores all of its generated data in the /wp-content/uploads/firebox directory.
Version 1.1.9
Released on 02/09/2022 10:51
  • Fix: All actions should run when previewing a popup.
  • Change: Spacing control UI improvements.
Version 1.1.8
Released on 26/08/2022 13:58
  • Added: 6 brand new Notification Popup Templates.
  • Added: 10 brand new Terms and Conditions Popup Templates.
  • PHP 8.0, 8.1 compatibility.
Version 1.1.7
Released on 19/08/2022 13:03
  • Added: 10 brand new External Link Notice Popup Templates.
  • Fix: External Link Click trigger would not work under certain circumstances.
Version 1.1.6
Released on 12/08/2022 17:34
  • Added: 15 brand new Scroll To Top Popup Templates.
  • Added: New Trigger Point, External Link Click
  • Added: Row block setting "Grow all child elements equally" to grow all direct child elements width equally.
  • Fix: "FireBox Settings" block settings section should only appear "Current box" within the FireBox Popup Editor.
  • Fix: Blocks do not appear with correct styling in some edge cases.
  • Change: Error messages appearing when trying to insert a Popup Library item should always appear in red.
Version 1.1.5
Released on 05/08/2022 16:02
  • Added: 15 brand new Summer Sales Popup Templates.
  • Fix: Start session when it's only needed.
  • Fix: Background Image should only be applied when setting is enabled on first load of the editor.
  • Change: Increases the Row block content gap.
Version 1.1.4
Released on 30/07/2022 15:35
  • Updated: Width, Height, and padding will update the Popup Editor only when focusing out of the respective fields.
  • Fix: Improves popup saving process.
Version 1.1.3
Released on 28/07/2022 13:10
  • Fixed: Analytics Toolbars Modal would not close correctly.
Version 1.1.2
Released on 22/07/2022 10:18
  • Added: Setting to toggle showing the FireBox admin bar menu item.
  • Fixed: Number of Pageviews and Time on Site would not count pageviews and time correctly under certain circumstances.
Version 1.1.1
Released on 07/07/2022 15:31
  • Added: You can now use the redirect option within the fboxLoginForm shortcode to redirect your users once logged in.
  • Fix: Popups wouldn't render correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: Modals would have extra margin within the body due to templates overriding its styling.
  • Fix: Some country names would not appear correctly.
Version 1.1.0
Released on 24/06/2022 22:14
  • Updated: New Popup Templates Library Design making it easier to find your desired popup.
  • Added: 13 New Sales Popup Templates.
  • Added: 12 New Age Verification Popup Templates.
  • Added: 15 New Reduce Card Abandonment Popup Templates.
  • Added: 15 New Cookie Law Popup Templates.
  • Added: The Popup Editor now simulates how the popup will appear on the front-end.
  • Added: 9 Gutenberg Blocks that will make creating popups a breeze!
  • Added: Container Block
  • Added: Column Block
  • Added: Row Block
  • Added: Buttons Block
  • Added: Button Block
  • Added: Divider Block
  • Added: Heading Block
  • Added: Icon Block
  • Added: Image Block
  • Added: Paragraph Block
  • Added: Design > Overlay > Blur background setting.
  • Fix: Popup wouldn't preview when clicked "Preview" in Popup list when Opening Behavior > Show Frequency was enabled.
  • Fix: Popup wouldn't allow page scrolling once this setting was enabled and a popup was closed.
  • Fix: The animation of the Background Overlay may not be smooth when the popup is about to close.
  • Fix: Update notice wouldn't display correctly when multiple FirePlugins-related plugins are activated.
  • Fix: "Deactivate License" would not reset saved license key under certain circumstances.
Released on 26/05/2022 20:22
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.0
  • Fixed: Popup wouldn't preview when clicked "Preview" in Popup list when Opening Behavior > Show Frequency was enabled.
  • Fixed: Popup wouldn't allow page scrolling once this setting was enabled and a popup was closed.
Released on 16/05/2022 18:22
  • Fixed: Referer was not set properly under certain circumstances.
  • Compatibility check for WP 6.0-RC2.
Released on 09/05/2022 18:24
  • Fixed: An issue where the Analytics page required a refresh to show data the first time the plugin was installed.
  • Fixed: Tablet styling should work also on mobile.
  • Preparation for WordPress 6.0 release.
Released on 13/02/2022 23:58
  • Fixed: An issue where popup content would not appear as expected under certain circumstances.
  • Change: Ensures tablet styling is applied only to tablet devices only.
Released on 25/01/2022 17:17
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Ensure FireBox Gutenberg Block can be used in the new Full Site Editor.
Version 1.0.9
Released on 23/12/2021 16:03
  • Fixed: FireBox settings for blocks Image and Button would not display settings for triggering current box.
Version 1.0.8
Released on 23/12/2021 16:03
  • Added: {fpf page.browsertitle} Smart Tag.
  • Fixed: Background Overlay may not re-appear if the popup is triggered on click.
  • Fixed: An issue where in some cases the FireBox Gutenberg block would not display the popups selection field.
  • Improved how block assets are loaded.
  • Updated: The FireBox Settings Gutenberg extension to Button and Image blocks.
Version 1.0.7
Released on 25/11/2021 13:55
  • Fixed: Analytics: A PHP error that would trigger when parsing current date data.
  • Updated: FireBox and FirePlugins logos
Version 1.0.6
Released on 22/10/2021 13:25
  • Added: Support for gradient colors.
  • Added: 5 new AdBlock Detector templates.
  • Fix: Height unit would not save correctly.
  • Fix: Ensure popups appear at all times when previewing it.
  • Updated: Ensure output is safely displayed.
  • Updated: AdBlock Detector preview templates do not require an AdBlock browser extension to preview.
  • Updated: The FireBox button for Classic Editor will now only appear on that page.
Version 1.0.5
Released on 28/09/2021 15:32
  • Added: Confirm dialog when trying to remove an action.
  • Fix: Repeater Field would not display correct field values under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: Repeater Field would not save new fields correctly (messing up ID order of created repeater items).
  • Fix: FireBox Library would display Pro Templates section to Lite users when no templates were visible.
  • Fix: Analytics wouldn't read previously selected toolbar items.
  • Fix: Trigger Point label would not appear correctly when "Hover" Trigger Point was selected.
  • Fix: [Analytics] Timezone wasn't applied when viewing "Today" data.
  • Updated: Search Dropdown Field would prevent choices from appearing.
  • Updated: When WPML is enabled, properly display all supported counry flags.
  • Updated: CSS improvements
  • Updated: "Hide Pro Templates" toggle within FireBox Library should be toggleable when no Pro templates are visible.
  • Updated: Analytics Overview items upgrade UI.
  • Updated: Analytics Overview items overlay when no data are available to not cover the title of the overview item.
  • Updated: Improved validations.
Version 1.0.4
Released on 28/09/2021 15:31
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • Fix: Prevent multiple popups with the same ID from being initialized.
  • Fix: Analytics Metrics overlapping UI elements.
  • Fix: Adds time to the calendar of the Datetime Publishing Rule.
  • Fix: Improved AdBlock detection trigger.
  • Updated: Import page button label to "Import".
  • Updated: Translations.
  • Removed: The dashicons library requirement from front-end. All previously used icons are now SVGs.
Version 1.0.3
Released on 28/09/2021 15:31
  • Fix: Analytics would not use saved filters on page refresh.
  • Fix: Analytics Results design issues and responsiveness fixes.
  • Fix: Alignment issues on templates containing login forms.
  • Fix: Warnings while trying to load unrelated files to the plugin.
  • Fix: Opening Behavior > Show Frequency wouldn't be triggered.
  • Fix: Always set cookie in secure mode.
  • Updated: Behavior > Trigger Point icons.
  • Updated: After plugin activation, "Keep data on uninstall" setting should be saved to the database as enabled.
Version 1.0.2
Released on 28/09/2021 15:31
  • Added: Allow filtering when Closing Behavior is enabled and trying to set the popup cookie on close.
  • Added: Auto Focus, a new accessibility option to set focus to 1st focusable element on open.
  • Added: Caribbean Netherlands islands in Countries list.
  • Fix: Impression would not save in a rare occasion when opening a popup.
  • Fix: Popup doesn't show up when is set to trigger on 100% of the page height.
  • Fix: The framework with the latest version wouldnt be used if more than one of our plugins were activated.
  • Fix: Upon saving an analytics toolbar modal, the page would not scroll.
  • Fix: Clicking on a link in Dashboard > Analytics Overview wouldn't save the selected settings in Analytics Toolbar items.
Version 1.0.1
Released on 28/09/2021 15:30
  • Fix: Open/Close tracking wasn't properly saved on non-published popups.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
Version 1.0.0
Released on 28/09/2021 15:29
  • Initial Release.