How to show a popup on a button click

You can use FireBox to show a popup when a user clicks a button or any element on the page. Making a popup that appears on the click of a button can be a powerful way to boost conversions.

FireBox offers a variety of ways to trigger a popup on click. Below we will list all possible ways to do so.

Using the Click Trigger Point

The Click Trigger Point is one of the easiest ways to trigger a popup by clicking an element such as a link, button, image, or any other element.

You can read more here: The Click Trigger

Using HTML Data Attributes

In order to utilize data attributes to trigger a popup, you'll need to access the HTML of the link, button, image, or any other element you'd like to trigger the popup.

You can read more here: How to trigger a popup using HTML Attributes

Using the Javascript API

For more advanced scenarios, you can use the Javascript Events API to manipulate a popup on demand by calling methods such as open() or close() or even listen to events that trigger the popup such as beforeOpen, afterClose, etc..

You can read more here: FireBox Javascript API

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